Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We went to the Columbia County Fair today. The first thing I did was to go to the photography display to see if I had won a blue ribbon. I searched every display,

and no blue ribbon, not even a red , or white ribbon.


Oh, well, there were plenty of things to see and do.

There was the opening ceremony,

Happy 150th birthday to Oregon,

raising the flag,


good things to eat, ( I was very naughty, I ate curly fries, and elephant ear, and a Marian berry milkshake, over the period of the whole day)

There was entertainment, Johnny Cash's son,

a barbershop quartet,

The My Fair lady pageant, Vernonia's entry was Pat Ray, one of my Red Hat friends.

craft displays,

the baking competition,

the winners,

and more,


and the amusement park

Of course, there were animals,
rabbit judging,

funny looking chickens,


and more chickens.

more rabbits,



kids from Vernonia,

and more kids,

and even a little bull.

1 comment:

diane b said...

Looks like a fun day. It is a coincidence that our state Queensland is also clebrating 150 years. Our Fair called the EKKA (short for exhibition) is on next month.
Come over and visit me again.