Sunday, May 3, 2009

Blogging again

It seems that I have been so busy lately that I haven't had time to blog. I have been involved in my activities, except bridge, which I really miss, my children, and grandchildren and their activities, and working full time. I took today to catch up on viewing some blogs, as well as posting some blogs. I even had time for a walk around the yard.
The tulips and daffodils are just about finished, but the next phase of spring is just around the corner. New growth, and promise of new hope.

The rhododendrons will be blooming soon.

Wild bleeding hearts

Peonies will popping open with huge pink flowers.

The apple tree is ready to pop.

The wild strawberries are starting to grow fruit,

and the pansies still look nice.


diane b said...

Glad tp see you had time to catch up with blogging. It is difficult to fit in with real life especially if you are working full time. I have a ten week contract at the moment and it certainly takes a big chunk out of spare time in retirement.

Gayle said...

Lovin' the flowers. I miss the wild bleeding hearts...we don't have those here that I know of. Not even in the foothills or along the rivers.

By the way, I love your new header photo!!

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful photos of all your flowers. And I agree with Gayle, your new header photo is lovely.