On Monday I hosted bridge. We have such a good time playing. The other three ladies are very charming, and funny, especially Sally, the mayor. I won again.
On Tuesday I subbed in Robin's room. The fifth graders were much better. They still didn't pay attention as much as I would have liked during math, but their behavior was much better. Tuesday evening was installation of officer in P.E.O. Our 92 year old Faith was the hostess. What a wonderful person she is. Nancy conducted her last meeting as president, and Janet took over the gavel. I am treasurer for another year.
Wednesday, I subbed in Title 1. This is a program for children that are about 1 grade level below in reading. We work in small groups and really work with them on their reading skills. I am going to be a long-term sub in this classroom starting next month. Debbie is having a baby. After school I went to Claudine's house where Claudine and Barbara audited my treasurer's books. After quite a bit of discussion, they agreed that the books were balanced and everything was fine.
I got a call on Thursday morning from the sub-finder. I was needed in 1st grade for the A.M. teacher. I got dressed and headed to school and when I got there there were three teachers in the room. The A.M. teacher was there getting ready, the P.M. teacher was there thinking that she was filling in, and I was there because I was called. I took the class for the morning. They were a handful, but I managed and they did okay. On Thursday afternoon I got a pedicure. It feel so good to have someone else take care of your feet. This Nail Place dips your feet in paraffin after they have soaked for awhile. They massage your legs and feet, and what I really like is they take care of my ingrown toe nails. Thank you so much!!
On Friday we went back to town to get groceries and run a few more errands.
I forgot to say that Scott and Daniel are still with us. Scott is laid off for a couple of weeks. The logging industry here is going really slow. Daniel went to school on Monday and that afternoon I got a call that he was suspended. I was playing bridge, his Dad was working for a friend, so Grandpa went to school to pick his up. I seems that he and a girl are not supposed to talk to one another. I believe Daniel likes her, and doesn't know the correct way to talk to her. She teased him in music class and he told her that he was going to kill her, just kiddingly, but you can't do that. Threats have to be taken seriously. I took Daniel's phone away. Scott and Daniel spent a good part of the week doing school work.
On Saturday we cleaned house and got ready for couples bunco. Bunco is a dice game. We have a good time. There is a lot of joking around, some of it a little off color. We were supposed to have 16 people, but two couples couldn't come, so we had three table. We have potluck, really good food, play three sets, and then have dessert, before we finish the other three sets. It was quite a night. We got to bed about 1:00.
Sunday was a lazy day.
Faith, the hostess, Nancy, and Audeen, the secretary
Seems like you have a lot of friends and a lot of fun Ilene. - Dave
You do have a very busy life! Good for you.
Looks like you had fun!! Yep, you are a busy gal, alright!
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