Thursday, December 4, 2008

Busy Week

On Monday I got a call at 6 in the morning from Patty. They needed two subs, one for grade school PE and one for middle school PE and social studies. Monday is my bridge day so I declined to sub. I went back to sleep and got up around 8. At 9:00 I got a call from Eleanor saying she that Sally had called and was sick and that she couldn't find a substitute bridge player. I immediate called Patty and she still needed someone, so I showered and headed down to the middle school. I taught 2 classes of social studies, had lunch, and then 2 classes of PE. I got my walk in while they were playing basketball in PE. I finished out the school day with 8th grade social studies.

That evening was weigh-in. We have a biggest loser group in Vernonia. We are on 12 week cycles. The first cycle I came in third, I had lost 39 pounds, but only 14% body weight. The winner lost 17% of her body weight and won $300 plus. During the 2nd 12 week cycle, I took a break and only lost about 5 pounds. This cycle I lost 3 pounds the first week, 3 pounds the second week, missed the 3rd week, and this week I gained 1 pound. Thanksgiving, a potluck, and eating out did it.

Tuesday I subbed in a fifth grade classroom. The teacher was at Math Academy. I love subbing in fifth grade. It is like going home. I'm the kind of teacher that wants to save the world. I want every student to pay attention and learn. I found as a sub that doesn't always happen, so I had to change my philosophy. I was getting too uptight when they would mess around, and they would pick up on that, and everyone was unhappy. I knew I couldn't change them, so I had to change myself. Now I go into the classroom, smile, joke around with them, teach, and hope that some of them are paying attention and learn something.

Tuesday evening seven friends of mine and me got together for our pinochle club. Twice a year we have potluck and December is one of the times. We had a great dinner at Dolly's house. The cards weren't so great for me, but I had a wonderful time.

Wednesday I got a call at 6 am that the fifth grade teacher was sick and requested me. I got my shower and headed down. I had a super day with those fifth graders.

Wednesday evening we went to Logan's wrestling match in Banks. Logan is our grandson, a senior at Banks High School. Banks is a neighboring community, about 20 miles away. There were 8 teams there. Vernonia was there, also. It was not only fun to see Logan wrestle, but also the Vernonia kids. I get to see these kids when I sub, and some of them are my favorites. Logan won his first match with a pin, and his second match with a pin. By then we were getting tired and hungry, so we left and went to the Oriental Gardens in Banks for some great Chinese food.

Today - no call, so I made a wreath and did some decorating, and finally caught up on my blogging.

1 comment:

Linda Reeder said...

wow! You are in demand around there. But I know you like to be busy.